Tag: video

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Quantum Coherence: The Path to Rejuvenation & Regeneration

Quantum Coherence is a concept that will revolutionize the way we look at health potential and disease prevention. In fact, quantum coherence is related to the body’s ability to enable photons to work synergistically and collaboratively to organize biological processes. When the state of coherence is lost for any reason, the biological system can enter into a positive entropy state, losing its organization and balance, which enables the appearance of diseases and symptoms in the physical body.

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Build an International Healthcare Career – Part 1

In this blog, Dr. Paul Drouin discusses four key areas which will assist you in building your own International Healthcare Career:

1. The Democratization of Medicine
2. Transitioning from a ‘Disease’ Focus to a ‘Health Potential’ Focus
3. Joining a New Generation of Doctors
4. Improving Lifestyle and Cultivating Healthier Habits

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The Future of Medicine: Exponential Healthcare

Exponential Healthcare is an opportunity to take advantage of where the entire health coaching industry is going as a whole, as well as to set up your practice in the fastest-growing field of medicine today, telehealth virtual care.

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A Special Christmas Message from Dr. Paul Drouin

At this precious time of the year, the Quantum Family and I invite you to celebrate the beginning of a New Era in Collective Consciousness in which we continue to push the frontiers of knowledge and expand a worldview based on the basic concepts of quantum physics and the infinite possibilities of our Health Potential. Together, let’s manifest a more caring medicine that believes that any health challenge is an opportunity for growth and creativity.

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Are you reconsidering your career?

In times of crisis or transition, new opportunities appear. Reconnect with Your Dreams, Don’t Underestimate Your Professional Value, Match Your Vision with Your Perfect Career and See Challenge as an Opportunity.

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