Tag: video

Media File

Subtle Physiology & the Chakras

The concept of self-growth or self-actualization explored through the relationship of the nonlocal aspect of the meridians can also be applied to emotional and psychic processes.

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Media File

Light Circulation System

According to Hurtak (1994), this network of light is related to a fifth circulatory system of a more subtle nature, related to quantum and subquantum processes. Quantum Biology, Biophysics, and Wave Genetics are also bringing important information about the existence of a multidimensional energy matrix that interpenetrates the human biological body.

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Media File

The Uncertainty Principle & the Meridians

The Uncertainty Principle is related to the quantum nature of the meridians where “it is impossible to describe their movements through exact trajectories.“1 In fact, the Uncertainty Principle applied to acupoints of Taoist Medicine brings the possibility of meridians being areas or fields, rather than points.

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Media File

Holistic Anatomy Introduction

The Art of Medicine has developed along with a growing understanding of human anatomy and physiology. Before we understood the mechanics of the human body, medicine was in the dark ages. And even today, the medical curriculum is still anchored in a mechanistic view of how the body works, based on a dualistic point of reference that has no explanation for how the mind and body relate together.

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