
According to an article in the Journal of the American Medical Association (Starfield, 2000), our healthcare system is the third leading cause of death in the U.S., after heart disease and cancer. (1) The same article states, “In the blind reliance on drugs, surgery, technology and medical establishments, the American medical system has inflicted more harm than good on the U.S. population.” Starfield’s article also

It is fascinating to recognize that when you start to study quantum medicine, your mind opens to the movement of subtle energy both internally and externally, and you begin to perceive the individual as both microcosm and macrocosm. With today’s understanding of quantum physics, it is no longer a stretch to realize that we are not islands but are connected with the whole universe. Many

The challenge for consciousness-based medicine is to integrate the notion of personal growth, where the individual shifts from functioning in an ego self-centered mode to a more universal self mode. This is a model of healing where the role of an integrative doctor will be to facilitate the transcendence of the ego-character to allow for the emergence of the quantum self. See the example below

Today when we analyze our society at different levels, we tend to use filters that are often divisive and seldom creative. For example, we use the term theocracy in contrast to the secular world, socialism versus capitalism, and conventional compared to alternative medicine. This tendency is actually very helpful at some level to further a better understanding of the differences between the various dualities and

Traveling through India, Nepal, and China, I was impressed by the density of the populations. At first I felt overwhelmed by the diversity of social organization, and then I began to realize that within these diverse societies a new way of looking at reality has been emerging from the discovery of the principles of quantum physics. During the last 50 years, this new culture has

The idea of spontaneous healing related to consciousness, as brought forth by Dr. Deepak Chopra with his best-selling book in the nineties, Quantum Healing, revolutionized the world of Quantum Medicine. Unexpectedly, Dr. Chopra noted that patients who medicine had discarded or predicted a fatal outcome for would heal after experiencing a new awareness about their situation. A vocabulary emerged to describe the workings of these ‘magical’

Heal the world. Heal yourself. The intention of Project Noosphere is to create a unique global consciousness accelerator that will facilitate and support the health of individuals, as well the whole planet. This project will implement the regrouping of a critical mass of the world’s population (1%) that will focus on individual and social coherence to generate more harmony, peace, and healing. Would you agree

A year ago after the World Congress of Quantum Medicine 2014, the most successful ever, Alexis (my son) and I came up with a new idea which became like the effect of the “flap of a butterfly’s wings“ and surprised everybody: a World Summit online! A year later, the World Summit has created an enormous wave in the field of consciousness that will impact the

In recent blogs, I wrote about the concept of the Noosphere as “the sphere of thought encircling the earth that has emerged through evolution as a consequence of the growth in complexity / consciousness,” and also of the urgency to manifest a collective healing presence worldwide. I also reflected on the ”Oath of Hippocrates,” asking the question: Why can’t we see how far modern medicine

During my recent vacation trip to Canada, I visited my alma mater, Laval University in Quebec, where I studied medicine. As I wrote in my book Creative Integrative Medicine, following the tragic death of my brother, I was looking for real answers about healing and cure when I started my medical studies. Inspired by an idealistic quest, the ”Oath of Hippocrates” was a source of