The past thirty years have been an exciting time in Pro-Consciousness Medicine – for scientists, doctors, healers, and communities exploring the amazing new dimension of healing through the window created by quantum physics.
Throughout our society, communities are awakening to the idea that health is precious capital that must be taken care of by each individual themselves. The right to heal ourselves has been consigned to doctors or health care providers for too long, and now people are realizing that prevention is a better option than having to rely on conventional health care.
This new awareness has been translated into the growing interest in exercise and choosing healthier food. How many fitness centers or yoga classes are available to the community now, compared to only 10 years ago? Health coaches and nutritional consultants have created a new industry. The art of healing is now not only in the hands of medical doctors but also promoters of health as such as doctors of natural and integrative medicine.
By adding the concepts of quantum physics to these growing phenomena, we realize that we can be the masters of our own reality. Recent research in neuroscience has proven that we can shape our reality according to our thinking, and from the point of view of quantum biology, we are no longer victims of the determinism of our genes.
Science has also documented that there is more we can do to enhance our inner abilities with meditation. Meditation also opens the door to a new level of health and the higher functioning of our physiology through the resulting brain wave states and the release of endorphins.
Gathering knowledge about these new concepts is a priority. This is why online communities have been created (follow Quantum University and Dr. Paul Drouin on Facebook). Or even more, join the new community of the healers and doctors of tomorrow.