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Is your Meditation Blissful? By Dr. Paul Drouin Tap into Your Inner Potential & Rewire Your Brain for Bliss Over 600 scientific research studies conducted at more than 200 independent universities and research institutions in 30 countries have demonstrated the profound benefits of meditation. These studies have used the most rigorous research methods and evaluation procedures available in the social sciences, including time series analysis

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Saying Goodbye to the Hippocratic Oath… has the Medical Field Lost its Way?  By Dr. Paul Drouin Back in August 2015, I wrote a blog post about the Oath of Hippocrates saying that “Medical universities should either totally abandon the tradition of repeating the Hippocratic Oath at graduation, meaningless in the context of what conventional medicine represents today, defined in the previous century by choices

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What is Pro-Consciousness Medicine?  By Dr. Paul Drouin What exactly is consciousness and how does it relate to medicine? Well, consciousness has numerous facets such as how we perceive our world, our thoughts, being self-aware, our intentions and more. “Looking for consciousness in the brain is like looking in the radio for the announcer.” – Nasseim Haramein, director of research for the Resonance Project

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A year ago, Quantum University launched a new initiative for humanity, Project Noosphere, with the intention of creating a unique global consciousness accelerator to facilitate and support the health of individuals, as well the whole planet. Project Noosphere works through the principle of entanglement, a basic principle of quantum physics in which all participants become interconnected through their intention and focus.

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Recently I was invited to a conference in Athens to speak on Pro-Consciousness Medicine. Since I was in Greece, I had the opportunity to visit the mystical island of Santorini in preparation for the Noosphere meditation (held on October 22) that gathered thousands of meditators online.

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The past thirty years have been an exciting time in Pro-Consciousness Medicine – for scientists, doctors, healers, and communities exploring the amazing new dimension of healing through the window created by quantum physics.

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Years ago, I was invited to a convention in Switzerland where doctors from all over the world came together to explore one main question: “Who heals?” From a diversity of cultures and backgrounds, everyone dealt with one aspect of the question, and there were as many answers to that question as there were participants. However, that question was actually answered earlier by one of my

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Recently, I was listening to a Canadian psychiatrist being interviewed on National TV about his recent contribution to the translation of the DSM-5 in French. As he was obviously very proud of having contributed to what is consider the medical bible, the commentator asked him: “But doctor, more diagnosis also implies more medications,” and the doctor simply answered with detachment: “Sure…”

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One of the most interesting things I learned when I was at medical school was the evaluation of a patient. I soon realized that the difference between a very skilled clinician and an ordinary one was the effectiveness of their clinical evaluation. The questionnaire, a collection of symptoms and clinical signs, could quickly reveal the majority of issues facing the patient, even before lab tests

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In reality, the one who heals is not always “right.” In conventional medicine, healing is not the only goal because procedures must be done according to the standards defined by the medical mainstream. One of my esteemed teachers of homeopathy, more precisely of homotoxicology, would often say in defense of homeopathy, “The one who heals is the one who is right.” I will admit that

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