
In times of crisis or transition, new opportunities appear. Reconnect with Your Dreams, Don’t Underestimate Your Professional Value, Match Your Vision with Your Perfect Career and See Challenge as an Opportunity.

Learn about microcurrent for pain resolution, a revolutionary approach to energy medicine that stands to change the way we regard chronic pain.

It is impossible to treat a person’s mental state without treating their physical, emotional, and spiritual lives as well. When we utilize hypnosis and NLP, we have a technology that transforms us from the inside out.

When neuroscience began to agree that brain neuroplasticity is possible, the next step was to implement technologies that allow for rewiring the brain. This new concept has completely revolutionized the field of psychology and medicine. The old paradigm described brain neurocircuitry as a fixed entity that cannot be influenced, an extension of the belief that most diseases are pre-determined by your genetics and that, fatalistically, there is nothing you can do about it. In an updated curriculum of medicine, the new biology is redefined and expanded to include the stunning concept that your system of beliefs can actually modify your genes.

The nature of Consciousness is certainly the most fascinating question of all time. The early Greek philosophers were already well aware of the critical importance of this subject. The allegory of Plato’s cave describing the great Universe around us as a shadow show projected on the wall of the cave and we humans as shadow watchers is a close analogy of how quantum physics sees the world today.

Why is the recognition of Energy Medicine aka Pro-Consciousness Medicine, so crucial? Without a scientific ground and academic recognition, there is no hope of integrating most complementary and alternative medicines into the current healthcare system and shifting from a model of medicine based on disease and symptoms to a model that addresses the root of the problem and is more focused on prevention.

The frontiers of Health and Wellness Coaching need to be expanded from the conventional model based more on the principles of active listening and lifestyle support to a quantum model based on neuroscience and quantum physics…

This blog will share the most important strategies that Dr. Paul Drouin has been implementing to make Quantum University a world leader in natural medicine education reaching 11K students in 60 countries.

Reset 2021 by Dr Paul Drouin, provide tools and approaches to empower the individual and dissolve…

The adaptability and capacity of the collective consciousness to face new challenges are directly related to…