Tag: Dr. Paul Drouin

A Special Holiday Message From Dr. Paul Drouin

As we reflect on the journey of the last few years, embracing the challenges and transformations that have come our way, I am filled with a deep sense of gratitude for each one of you—students and graduates of Quantum University. Our path has been one of discovery and evolution, where we have witnessed the power of consciousness in shaping our realities and health destinies.

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Bringing People Together – How Quantum University Changed Traditional Online Learning

Dr. Paul Drouin, an eminence in quantum physics and integrative medicine, once said, “What is missing in the world is the ability to bring people together in a deeper reality that brings us even closer.” He said this during one of his worldwide meditation summits, which served as the platform for Project Noosphere. One cannot help but pause and think about Dr. Paul’s words, as he was right; people have an innate need to come together, create change, and revolutionize industries and systems

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Quantum State and Taoist Medicine

The state of health in modern medicine must be redefined in terms of the quantum state, rather than in terms of disease. The coherence theory of biophoton emission in biological systems, proposed by Popp in 2008, is the key to understanding the quality of Chi (as described in Taoism and traditional Chinese Medicine) related to the vitality in the system.

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Subtle Physiology & the Chakras

The concept of self-growth or self-actualization explored through the relationship of the nonlocal aspect of the meridians can also be applied to emotional and psychic processes.

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Holistic Anatomy Introduction

The Art of Medicine has developed along with a growing understanding of human anatomy and physiology. Before we understood the mechanics of the human body, medicine was in the dark ages. And even today, the medical curriculum is still anchored in a mechanistic view of how the body works, based on a dualistic point of reference that has no explanation for how the mind and body relate together.

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Neurofeedback, Sleep & Pain Management – Part 1

Dr. Russo is a neurologist and Dr. Childs is an anesthesiologist and together they speak with Dr. Paul about neurofeedback and how it can help to monitor and improve sleep as well as be used as a pain management tool. NEW Quantum Health Coach Certification

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Quantum Doctors Talk (Part 6)

Dr. Amit Goswami and Dr. Paul Drouin continue their discussion of Quantum Biology by looking at the intuitive mind and introducing the idea of intuitive intelligence and intuitive science.

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