Quantum Doctors Talk (Part 5)

Quantum Doctors Talk – Creative Evolution (Part 5) 

By Dr. Paul Drouin

Dr. Amit Goswami and Dr. Paul Drouin discuss Quantum Biology, one of the foundations of the Quantum University curriculum based on an understanding of the holistic aspects of the quantum worldview. Dr. Paul points out that creativity is a very important part of understanding evolution.

Darwinism is based on Newtonian physics, which is devoid of the idea of creativity, a plausible theory although it doesn’t accurately describe what is – hence the need for a new theory based on creativity. So the vision of evolution has changed from one which is based on survival of the fittest to one with more complex representations.

Dr. Goswami explains that the manifestation state of creativity in the natural selection aspect is part of creative evolution, in which the survival aspect does enter, so we’re not throwing away Darwinistic thinking entirely. Rather, we are understanding what biology is about, which is more than the material body.

It’s also about feelings and our ability to process meaning, even intuitive values like love, which is very important for healing.

Quantum Doctor Course

This online course features a 10-part video series that explores what it means and how to practice as a Quantum Doctor.

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Homeopath, Acupuncturist, Doctor of Natural Medicine, Professor of Integrative Medicine, Founder and President of Quantum University, and host of the Quantum World TV and the World Congress of Integrative Medicine.

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Quantum University is an institution of higher learning that provides degrees and certification programs in holistic, alternative, natural, and integrative medicine based on quantum physics.